RFID Forkflift access system

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An independent module RFID allows you to manage the access to the forklift for selected drivers. The device is very simple to use – the RFID card needs to be placed close to the receptor, which will allow the user to turn on the vehicle.



Get to know the biggest advantages of this solution:

  • Safety – minimizes risks associated with conducting a forklift or any other machine by unauthorized users
  • Convenience –  compact size of the card makes it handy
  • Flexibility – simple and quick way of adding and removing users authorized to use the machine
  • Savings – effectively reduces operational costs and increase safety in workplace


How does it work ?

Once the card has been applied to the forklift access system the D1 diode will light up for a moment. If this card is recognized as the access card the D2 diode will glow and a relay will turn on allowing the machine to be launched. Time needed to start the machine since the card has been applied is 1 minute, during  this time the D1 diode is on.

If the engine is started and turned off and not restarted within a minute, the D1 diode turns off. Another application of the card is required to initiate the machine again.

Any card can be added or removed from the memory. There are three types of cards available:

  1. The administrative adding card
  2. The administrative removing card
  3. The reset card

All cards are very similar in use. Once the card is applied the entry into specific mode is signalized by pulsing diode. In order to quit the mode the card needs to be bring close to the reader. Detailed instructions can be found in the user manual.